The history of the Sturm Gothic project has been a very turbulent one. The project has been going on now for several years. Each Sturm Gothic project had its own purpose and theme, which over time has changed significantly. There were many issues that prevented Strum Gothic Projects from ever happening. Like many new projects, there was excitement and a drive to create and showcase art internally, but externally, projects that were created didn’t peak any interest. With lack of interest surrounding the original project it became very apparent that it was time to move on.  
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Sturm Gothic has endured time and time again. From being discarded and trashed after countless hours of hard work to dealing with groups of people who didn’t get it or see anything coming out of it. Our perseverance ultimately resulted in something OUTSTANDING!  
We are now Starting a new series with Sturm Gothic 14! Each new Sturm Gothic project will feature a brand new artist! Thank you to for the help from other artists, professional photographers and studios who have seen the brilliance of what Sturm Gothic brings, we would of never been able to complete Sturm Gothic 13 if you did not see the brilliance behind our on going series.


By June 2012 the project was put on the back burner, again. Jeff decided that he was going to do the impossible and pursue the project on his own with the help of his good friend and photographer Stephen Hirshthal.
In August 2014, the Sturm Gothic creative crew and team decided to have a small local exhibit featuring artwork from Sturm Gothic 1. By this time they have started to accomplish some incredible leaps in the area of film production and acting. It was decided upon at this time that the original project deserved to have it's own art exhibit, which was denied to it for 3 years. Sturm Gothic was already planned and was going to be the last of the series. Our crew found it appropriate to have the original project art work on display as a means to show where we were when we started and how far we have come. Our bizarre and mysterious fantasy art project has gained much interest and has picked up momentum over the past couple of years. Thinking outside the box is what started this project in the first place. People thought that the gothic artwork was a bit odd and that there was really no point to it. Even Jeff at one point didn't think that there was going to be a Sturm Gothic 2 although he is the one who was encouraged to pursue it.

 This reminds us of a quote from Conan O'Brien as he was leaving the tonight show. 
"Nobody in life gets exactly what they thought they were going to get. But if you work really hard and you're kind, amazing things will happen."

It's very true..... Well said Conan well said.

In January of 2013 the team that created the shock wave known as Sturm Gothic 2.0 got together and started production work on a new web series called Fedoras. Writer Director and actress Dana Wine with photographer Stephen Hirschthal as well as Jeff Sturm started filming the series. Not long into the filming of the Fedoras web series it gained the attention of SAG Actor Billy ’V’ Vigeant. Billy has worked on several high budget films including “American Hustle” and “The Fighter”. Through Billy V the Fedoras web series has attracted the attention of other very talented people such as writer John K. Fiore who 
co-wrote the series with Dana Wine. As filming of the Fedoras series continued it received an overwhelming amount of attention. From interviews with the cast and crew to media attention in the Hartford Courant; the Fedoras web series has been an amazing project. To say the least if the Sturm Gothic 2.0 project never happened in 2012 the series would not exist. It’s as simple as that, Fedoras in 2013 became an official SAG project and the cast and crew who have worked on the series have also been asked to work on other amazing film projects. An example of this we would have to say is that Dana Wine was just recently casted in a Johnny Depp film. It goes to show how when people give everything they have and set their minds to something, great things can happen. FEDORAS is the first Web Series of its kind.
In the spring of 2015 Jeffrey was contacted by Director and screen play writer Crosby Tatum of Triceptus Studios in Boston. He offered Jeff Sturm the opportunity to have an assistant producer’s credit for his new film Confused by Love. Sturm Gothic 2 lead to the Fedoras Web Mob Series, the Fedoras Web Mob Series led to Jeff getting in contact with people involved in the film industry. If Sturm Gothic 2 did not happen then he would not have a film credit for a movie. Confused by Love is an award winning feature film, in 2015 the movie won the Audience Award at the 14 Annual Urbanmedia makers film festival in Atlanta. If Jeff did not resume Sturm Gothic in 2012 this film would not have happened.  Jeff Sturm is now credited on IMDb as being a producer for the film.  Actors Kelly Karavites and Simba Dibinga have made had parts on the hit T.V. Series Law and Order, lead actress Jordan Llyod had a part in the “Black Mass”  

Not only did this film win an award but Crosby Tatum's Studio is now working with Tugg inc.  Meaning in short that all motion pictures produced under the Triceptus Label will be shown in mainstream theaters in both the United States and Australia!
May 2018. From the success of the Sturm Gothic project creator Jeff Sturm has earned his very first Executive Producers credit. The second film which he has helped to produce is a masterpiece of storytelling from the creative mind of award winning director Juan Diego Escobar Alzate of Afasia films San Franciso! Juan’s most recent film the “Colors of Hope and Wonder” won best short and best director at the nxtup film festival San Francisco 2017!
The new masterpiece is called
"Luz The Flower of Evil"

On the very same day Stephen and Jeff met up with Actress/Director Dana Wine at Wild Bills Nostalgia shop in Middletown Connecticut for the Sturm Gothic 2.0 photo shoot. 
The Sturm Gothic creative team have accomplished a great deal. The project continued to grow for some time as filming of the Fedoras series and other film projects continued. 
Thankfully, there was a hand full of people who liked what they saw. In 2012 C&J Web Designers and Graphics LLC of Hartford Connecticut expressed interest in the former project of their newly hired graphic artist Jeff Sturm. The storyboard wall in the C&J office was scattered with rough sketches of gothic churches and Celtic symbols. This caught the attention of many clients who hired C&J Web Designers and graphics for their graphic design needs. In February 2012 the owners of C&J Web Designers and Graphics were asked by a customer about what exactly happened to Sturm Gothic. Sturm Gothic had generated some buzz with consumers interested in gothic art. So by March of 2012 C&J proposed the concept of Sturm Gothic 2 to project creator Jeff Sturm. Several clients were eager to see what would come out of such a project. C&J even contacted a publisher for a Sturm Gothic art based graphic novel. It seemed as if the original project was about to manifest its self once again.